Po is born 1973 and is based in Sweden. He primarily work in Stockholm but also in Jämtland and with projects around the country, As an artist he works narratively with images and text. In his own art and as a curator and consultant he has a focus on involving people who otherwise might not take part of art. A few examples of running larger projects and activities, he is presently project manager för the project Fakulteten and the art consultant in Botkyrka. He was a curator for the touring project Kännbart 2015-2017, was a member of the board at Konstfrämjandet and KC Öst and head of the board at WIP:sthlm. In 2018 he started Professor Apa where he is part of the board.
I work primarilly with human orientation: How we position ourselves as individuals and as a species. This includes questions about our history and future, as well as perception, normativity and how we construct our societies and (public) spaces.
I am an artist who also work as a curator and as an art consultant. As I often work with the same issues in these fields, the roles can intertwine and in many cases my curatorial projects are part of my art.
Po is born 1973 and is based in Sweden. He primarily work in Stockholm but also in Jämtland and with projects around the country, As an artist he works narratively with images and text. In his own art and as a curator and consultant he has a focus on involving people who otherwise might not take part of art. A few examples of running larger projects and activities, he is presently project manager för the project Fakulteten and the art consultant in Botkyrka. He was a curator for the touring project Kännbart 2015-2017, was a member of the board at Konstfrämjandet and KC Öst and head of the board at WIP:sthlm. In 2018 he started Professor Apa where he is part of the board.
I work primarilly with human orientation: How we position ourselves as individuals and as a species. This includes questions about our history and future, as well as perception, normativity and how we construct our societies and (public) spaces.
I am an artist who also work as a curator and as an art consultant. As I often work with the same issues in these fields, the roles can intertwine and in many cases my curatorial projects are part of my art.
Mail: pohagstrom[at]gmail.com
Cell-phone: +46 (0)70-556 36 79
Adress: Trädskolevägen 22, 120 48 Enskede gård
Jämtland: Brogårdsvägen 48, 136 91 Lit
Mail: pohagstrom[at]gmail.com
Cell-phone: +46 (0)70-556 36 79
Adress: Trädskolevägen 22, 120 48 Enskede gård
Jämtland: Brogårdsvägen 48, 136 91 Lit
Organisations-Nr: 730910-6917
Firman har FA-skattesedel.
Momsreg. SE730910691701
Bankgiro-nr: 214-8039
Organisations-Nr: 730910-6917
Firman har FA-skattesedel.
Momsreg. SE730910691701
Bankgiro-nr: 214-8039
Fakulteten - Project manager. 2020 - 2023 link
Fakulteten - web design and layout. 2020 - 2023 link
Resonans - Curator. 2019 - 2021 link
Fakulteten (pilot) - Curator. 2019 link
Botkyrka kommun - Consultant, public art. 2013 -
Professor Apa - Chairman of the board. 2018 - link
Reference group - Swedish National Heritage Board 2018 link
Kännbart - editor, the book about Kännbart. 2017 more
Sollentuna kommun - project manager ”Avtryck”. 2017
Kännbart - mentor for 16 ”förstärkare”. 2016 - 2017 link
Practice Continued - co-aranger 2016 - 2017. link
WIP:Sthlm - Chairman of the board. 2016 - 2017 link
Kännbart - Co-curator for, touring exhibition 2015 - 2017 link
Kännbart - Web design and layout 2015 - 2017 link
Nacka kommun - Assignement: art consultant, public. 2012 -2018
KC Öst - Member of the board. 2012 - 2017 link
Konstgödning - One of seven artists to work in Jämtland 2015. link
Artikel 31 - Responsible for public part of "Berättelser i en väska" 2014
ÄGD - Co-curator, exhibition and seminar Studio 44, Stockholm. 2013 link
TA PLATS! - Responsible editor for the book about TA PLATS! 2013 more
Kulturlyftet - Responsible for education, culture/availability. 2012 more
Den blå planeten - Curator, Botkyrka art hall. 2012 more
Power Landscapes - Curator, Stockholm. 2011 more
TA PLATS! - Curator: touring exhibition. 2010-2013 more
Konstfrämjandet Stockholm - Member of the board. 2009 - 2013 link
Uppsökande verksamhet - Producer. 2011
The visitors - Producer, art program, Rum för barn. 2010 - 2012 more
NU institutet - Member of the board. 2010 - link
TA PLATS! - Curator, Kulturhuset, Stockholm. 2009-2010 more
TA PLATS! - Webdesign and producer, Kulturhuset, Stockholm. 2009 - 2010
Gå ut - Curator, public art, Stockholm. 2009
Haninge kommun - Assignement: art consultant, public art. 2008 - 2013 more
Konsthall C - Member of the board. 2008 - 2010 link
Konst med alla sinnen - Curator, pilot project, Stockholm. 2007 - 2009 more
Information tool - Development and layout. 2008
Point of View - Writer. 2007-2008 link
K+ - Web design with Janna Holmstedt. 2008
Studio 44 - Co-curator, initiating international program. 2007 link
Studio 44 - Member of the board. 2005-2007 link
SKISS - Employed as artist. 2006-2007 link
SKISS - Web design with Janna Holmstedt. 2007
Fakulteten - Project manager. 2020 - 2023 link
Fakulteten - web design and layout. 2020 - 2023 link
Resonans - Curator. 2019 - 2021 link
Fakulteten (pilot) - Curator. 2019 link
Botkyrka kommun - Consultant, public art. 2013 -
Professor Apa - Chairman of the board. 2018 - link
Reference group - Swedish National Heritage Board 2018 link
Kännbart - editor, the book about Kännbart. 2017 more
Sollentuna kommun - project manager ”Avtryck”. 2017
Kännbart - mentor for 16 ”förstärkare”. 2016 - 2017 link
Practice Continued - co-aranger 2016 - 2017. link
WIP:Sthlm - Chairman of the board. 2016 - 2017 link
Kännbart - Co-curator for, touring exhibition 2015 - 2017 link
Kännbart - Web design and layout 2015 - 2017 link
Nacka kommun - Assignement: art consultant, public. 2012 -2018
KC Öst - Member of the board. 2012 - 2017 link
Konstgödning - One of seven artists to work in Jämtland 2015. link
Artikel 31 - Responsible for public part of "Berättelser i en väska" 2014
ÄGD - Co-curator, exhibition and seminar Studio 44, Stockholm. 2013 link
TA PLATS! - Responsible editor for the book about TA PLATS! 2013 more
Kulturlyftet - Responsible for education, culture/availability. 2012 more
Den blå planeten - Curator, Botkyrka art hall. 2012 more
Power Landscapes - Curator, Stockholm. 2011 more
TA PLATS! - Curator: touring exhibition. 2010-2013 more
Konstfrämjandet Stockholm - Member of the board. 2009 - 2013 link
Uppsökande verksamhet - Producer. 2011
The visitors - Producer, art program, Rum för barn. 2010 - 2012 more
NU institutet - Member of the board. 2010 - link
TA PLATS! - Curator, Kulturhuset, Stockholm. 2009-2010 more
TA PLATS! - Webdesign and producer, Kulturhuset, Stockholm. 2009 - 2010
Gå ut - Curator, public art, Stockholm. 2009
Haninge kommun - Assignement: art consultant, public art. 2008 - 2013 more
Konsthall C - Member of the board. 2008 - 2010 link
Konst med alla sinnen - Curator, pilot project, Stockholm. 2007 - 2009 more
Information tool - Development and layout. 2008
Point of View - Writer. 2007-2008 link
K+ - Web design with Janna Holmstedt. 2008
Studio 44 - Co-curator, initiating international program. 2007 link
Studio 44 - Member of the board. 2005-2007 link
SKISS - Employed as artist. 2006-2007 link
SKISS - Web design with Janna Holmstedt. 2007
2021 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”Fakulteten” year 2
2021 Kulturrådet, krisstöd: ”Resonans”
2021 Stockholm stad: Professor Apa
2020 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”Fakulteten” year 1
2019 Kulturrådet: ”Resonans”
2019 Stockholm kulturförvaltning: ”Fakulteten”
2017 Längmanska kulturfonden: ”Det andra”
2016 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project "Kännbart" year 3
2016 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project "Kännbart" year 2
2014 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project "Kännbart" year 1
2014 Karin Engelfeldts minnesfond
2013 Kulturrådet: Project ÄGD
2012 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2011 Formas: Project ”Power Landscapes"
2011 Innovativ kultur: Project ”Power Landscapes"
2011 Idrottsförvaltningen: Project "Uppsökning"
2011 Stockholm stad: Project ”Power Landscapes"
2010 Stockholm stad: Project ”The Visitors / Mitt i planeten"
2010 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2010 Stockholm Landsting: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2009 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2009 Folkrörelsernas Konstfrämjande: Project ”Gå ut”
2009 Fonden för Innovativ kultur: Project ”Konsthall SE”
2008 Stockholm Landsting: Project ”Konsthall SE”
2008 Kulturrådet: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2008 Stockholm stad: Project ”Konsthall SE”
2008 Stockholms Landsting: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2007 Stockholm stad: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2007 Helge Ax:son Johnssons stipendiefond: Project ”Alicanto”
2007 Kulturrådet: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2005 Helge Ax:son Johnssons stipendiefond: Project ”Trial and Error”
2004 J. C. Kempes Stipendiefond: Work ”Fotoalbum”
2003 J. C. Kempes Stipendiefond: Project ”Min skattkammare”
2021 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”Fakulteten” year 2
2021 Kulturrådet, krisstöd: ”Resonans”
2021 Stockholm stad: Professor Apa
2020 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”Fakulteten” year 1
2019 Kulturrådet: ”Resonans”
2019 Stockholm kulturförvaltning: ”Fakulteten”
2017 Längmanska kulturfonden: ”Det andra”
2016 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project "Kännbart" year 3
2016 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project "Kännbart" year 2
2014 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project "Kännbart" year 1
2014 Karin Engelfeldts minnesfond
2013 Kulturrådet: Project ÄGD
2012 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2011 Formas: Project ”Power Landscapes"
2011 Innovativ kultur: Project ”Power Landscapes"
2011 Idrottsförvaltningen: Project "Uppsökning"
2011 Stockholm stad: Project ”Power Landscapes"
2010 Stockholm stad: Project ”The Visitors / Mitt i planeten"
2010 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2010 Stockholm Landsting: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2009 Allmänna arvsfonden: Project ”TA PLATS!”
2009 Folkrörelsernas Konstfrämjande: Project ”Gå ut”
2009 Fonden för Innovativ kultur: Project ”Konsthall SE”
2008 Stockholm Landsting: Project ”Konsthall SE”
2008 Kulturrådet: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2008 Stockholm stad: Project ”Konsthall SE”
2008 Stockholms Landsting: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2007 Stockholm stad: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2007 Helge Ax:son Johnssons stipendiefond: Project ”Alicanto”
2007 Kulturrådet: Project ”Konst med alla sinnen”
2005 Helge Ax:son Johnssons stipendiefond: Project ”Trial and Error”
2004 J. C. Kempes Stipendiefond: Work ”Fotoalbum”
2003 J. C. Kempes Stipendiefond: Project ”Min skattkammare”
Lits kyrkogård: Våra spår
Nacka kommun: Inauguration - Some Day They're Gonna Name s Street After Me
Statens konstråd: Take over
Stockholms landsting: Sitespecific corridore, Rosenlund
Stockholms landsting: Stinsen
Rhizome.org ArtBase, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
Nacka kommun: Primordial soup
Apotekets konstförening: Saturnusmannen
Lits kyrkogård: Våra spår
Nacka kommun: Inauguration - Some Day They're Gonna Name s Street After Me
Statens konstråd: Take over
Stockholms landsting: Sitespecific corridore, Rosenlund
Stockholms landsting: Stinsen
Rhizome.org ArtBase, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
Nacka kommun: Primordial soup
Apotekets konstförening: Saturnusmannen
Umeå School of Contemporary Art: Master (220 p.) 1999-2004
Gerlesborgskolan: Preparation art school. 1997-1999
Ölands konstskola: Preparation art school.1996-1997
University of Gothenburg: Philosophy, Aestethics (5 p.) 1995
University of Gothenburg: History of Art (40 p.) 1994-1995
Umeå School of Contemporary Art: Master (220 p.) 1999-2004
Gerlesborgskolan: Preparation art school. 1997-1999
Ölands konstskola: Preparation art school.1996-1997
University of Gothenburg: Philosophy, Aestethics (5 p.) 1995
University of Gothenburg: History of Art (40 p.) 1994-1995
Professor Apa: Member of the board
Swedish journalist association: member
All material on this web page protected by copyright ©.
The web page is made by Po Hagström.
Professor Apa: Member of the board
Swedish journalist association: member
All material on this web page protected by copyright ©.
The web page is made by Po Hagström.